
Server migrations

We aim to increase our reliability and our total bandwidth. There has ben some issue with these two things lately. 

We will be moving to a new Co-Location that offers us all of these things. It seems very promising. There will be some changes since we will changes our public IP range during the move. More information will be sent out to clients before the move is started.  


New buildserver

The new shared buildserver was finalised this week. A dedicated wiki is planned and will hopefully be in place next week. There will be options to enable CI/CD buildpipes for your repositories. 


Opening of the new office

A small opening party was held to celebrate the new shared office usd by Insoft och Thargelion. Finally everything is set and ready!


New git server

Rubicon finalised the new git server. The old kudu server is retired. It turned out that Kudu did not meet our requirements, even if Microsoft uses kudu for their Azure git repositories. Either way - enjoy the new server! All repositories has been migrated to the new server.


NIDS completed

A NIDS was successfully installed and configured. Tests show we can successfully detect malicious activities in our networks. We ai to continually improve security to be able to better protect ourselves and our customers. Internet is such a hostile environment that SIEM and NIDS is required. 


Our first hosting client

Our hosting platform Dublin has its first pilot customer. The windows server will have multiple roles and it contains all technial environments that our client needs (development, acceptancetest and production). 

There are some work remaining with the platform but we are making good progress. With continued feedback from our customer we will hopefully become a solid partner for more customers in the future.


The Dublin platform takes shape

After a longer period of tests and evaluations Qemu was chose for server virtualization. The platform was named afer the city where this initiative was set in motion. Before the end of february we will have everything up and running. There are already multiple servers running. 


Insoft moves to new office

After almost a year, Insoft moves from the common premises at Södermalmsallén 36 to Gotlandsgatan. The new office is shared Thargelion.