
Secure email communication

Sensitive topics may require encrypted email conversations. Contact Insoft using the following public key for encryption:

Don't know how to do it? That is fairly common. Here is an article to get you started:

Wazuh security monitoring

A long-running Wazuh project is neraly done. Wazuh will help with security monitoring for threat detection, integrity monitoring and incident response. All bells and whistles included.

OSCP training

The OSCP training has been started. Not knowing exactly how demanding it will be this might take some time to finish.

Server migrations

We aim to increase our reliability and our total bandwidth. There has ben some issue with these two things lately. 

We will be moving to a new Co-Location that offers us all of these things. It seems very promising. There will be some changes since we will changes our public IP range during the move. More information will be sent out to clients before the move is started.  


NIDS completed

A NIDS was successfully installed and configured. Tests show we can successfully detect malicious activities in our networks. We ai to continually improve security to be able to better protect ourselves and our customers. Internet is such a hostile environment that SIEM and NIDS is required.